Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hide ur drives

Hide ur drives

How to Hide the drives(c:,d:,e:,a:...etc)
How to Hide the drives(c:,d:,e:,a:...etc)
This is a great trick you can play on your friends. To disable the display of local or networked drives when you click My Computer.
1.Go to start->run.Type regedit.Now go to:
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Now in the right pane create a new DWORD item and name it NoDrives(it is case sensitive). Now modify it's value and set it to 3FFFFFF (Hexadecimal) .Now restart your computer. So, now when you click on My Computer, no drives will be shown(all gone...). To enable display of drives in My Computer, simply delete this DWORD item that you created.Again restart your computer.You can now see all the drives again.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Valentine day ideas's

Valentine day ideas's
You can write a romantic letter or poem to express your feelings about her/him to tell them what your heart feels. If you are a girl, you can mark it with your lipstick kisses. And in case of a boy, cologne can be used instead.

Another idea can be sending a video or recorded cassette of you doing something, which expresses your love and concern for him/her.

Go for dinner that night at a nice place, as dinner is the perfect occasion to express your love. It not only gives you freedom but also a feeling of being together.

Inviting her to the makeshift restaurant at your home's terrace can make an exciting and unforgettable evening for both of you. And remember you must begin with a formal invitation to her. You can give some exciting name to the place.

Make sure and let your beloved know how much you appreciate her/him. Take out some time to find a card or gift that expresses your care, admiration, and love for them in the best possible way. And express your feelings in your own words, and let them know that they mean the world to you.

It is the small little things that count a lot and we pay the price for neglecting them often. Do only those things which both of you like and enjoy. For example if both of you enjoy reading, find a quiet place alone and read out loud together.

Put your voice on a disc/tape, to tell him/her how much you love him/her. And make it a point to slip it into his/her bag just before he/she is moving out for a business trip or meeting.

Women are generally so much restrained about flirting clues that men need to really be attentive. And men are not used to women flirting with them. An overpowering majority of men say that they would just love it if a woman talks to them first or at least expresses a larger hint

Then whispering is another trick, which pays rich dividends and proves very exciting while flirting. Whispering always gets them attracted to you. Whisper in their ears and ask them if you can tell them a secret...and then whisper in their ear: 'I love your smile or something like that.

When expecting a proposal don't sit with other women simply because men don't want you to be harsh on them or snub them in front of other people. Men would never risk the disapproval of a woman by interrupting in between their talks so be careful while talking and don't forget to go for breathers in-between your talks.

Women must remember to treat men gently...If a man whom you are not interested approaches you and flirts, just try to be nice and polite with him. All the other eligible men are keeping a close eye on you to see what you do. If you make mockery of that individual or show visual disapproval, you are certainly inviting the trouble of keeping others at bay. You can try many things like thanking him for the proposal. You can also call him by his name just to make him comfortable.

How to say sorry to female

How to say sorry to female

You have had your first big fight with her and it is all a big mess. Now you are wondering as to how to say sorry to her. You love her a lot and wouldn't want to lose her for a lame reason like a fight. Saying sorry to girl never killed anyone! Yet, somehow it is never too easy to utter the word "Sorry". Swallow your ego and bury your pride in the backyard. Apologizing to her is all about making her feel special. Read on further about some ideas to say sorry to her and trust me, it is all for the better.

Analyze the situation. Don't force her to accept your apology if she has still not relaxed. It can only make the situation worse.

Let her calm down and approach her when she is cool enough to talk again.

Never ever apologize on the phone or the Internet. It is way too impersonal and shows how insensitive you are. If you have a problem facing her and talking, then write her a letter and deliver it yourself. Wait outside until she reads it fully.

Accept your mistake and get done with it as soon as possible. Don't go over the situation and what caused the fight again and again.

If she asks for time, don't hesitate. Ask her what you can do to make her feel better and be genuine. Your feelings have to be heartfelt.

Always remember, a woman can see through fake feelings.

A bunch of flowers or a small gift can help a lot in making a woman feel better and cared of. And you have better chances of patching up again!

How to say sorry to male

How to say sorry to male

Your man and you just had a fight. It could have been sorted out there and then, but the situation was such that none of you felt like talking. Now, you are in your room, sulking alone. You wish you could turn back time and made everything okay by apologizing to him. You are totally clueless about how to say sorry to him. This is where we come in the scene as we bring you creative and meaningful ways for saying sorry to a guy. Read on further to know why is it said that actions speak louder than words!

Guys do not prefer sitting down immediately after a fight and talk about it. They are usually raging inside and you can get a taste of their bad attitude if you force them to listen to you.

Leave your man alone to give him time to cool down. Do not bother him with phone calls or text messages. Most of the times guys are ones who call up to talk things out.

Wait for a day or two. Then go to their place and sort things out. Again, make sure he hasn't had a bad day at work or any other sort of thing that has him in low spirits.

Contrary to what some people think, guys like flowers too. It is absolutely cool to give your man flowers and make him good dinner to make him feel special.

Make sure you pamper him and tell him how much you love him after you apologize. Spend some cozy moments together and let him know that he is special and means a lot to you.

How to start conversation with girls

How to start conversation with girls

Remedy: Girls love to talk about anything and everything (including you). Start a conversation by asking a question starting with a word such as why, how or what. Try to avoid cliché questions that lead to one-word answers (see below). Pay attention to her likes and dislikes. Find something in common and build conversation from there. Avoid arrogant remarks like “This math homework was so easy! My 5-year-old brother could do this!” Be more encouraging. Say, “Math can be confusing sometimes. Want some help?”

Problem: She’s giving you the silent treatment. The reason might be . . .

a. She’s not interested in talking to you at the moment.

b. She IS interested and therefore you are the LAST person she talks to. (C’mon, you guys do the same thing!)

c. You haven’t introduced yourself yet.

Remedy: Follow the checklist given here. Take a deep breath, walk up to her, smile and say, “Hi, I’m (your name).” Ask a question. If she completely snubs you, get the message and move on. If she sticks around, listens and asks you questions in return, congratulations! You are now successful in conversing with the opposite sex.


• “What did you do for spring break?“

• “How was your game last night?“ (Note: This only works for the girl who plays on a team.)

• “What kind of music do you like?“

• “How is your history project going?“

• “How was your day? “Follow-up question: “Why was your day good/bad?“

Avoid one-word answer or cliché questions:

• “How’s it goin’?” “Fine.“

• “Aren’t you glad summer is finally here?” “Yes.“

• “Did you watch the final episode of ‘American Idol’? ” “No.“